

Site-specific Performance, duration 30 min, event Crack Festival, Forte Prenestino, Rome IT

Entering the 100 underground cells under the Forte Prenestino, I wrote on my naked body separated words without a real meaning. It’s a doubt or a statement, if you look closely: I exist, or I only am, or maybe I don’t exist at all.

I walk through the crowded narrow corridor that connects the cells, I stop in between them blocking the passage, inviting people to cross the path close to my body. The freedom of people’s movement depends on their limitation to get close to a naked body, on their fear or rejection of this closeness.

Sexists comments, appreciation, distance, fear, judgment, bad words, that’s what a female naked body can get from external gazes, which reflect the level of freedom and self-knowledge that others have gained in their life. Closeness and openness are qualities that help humans to stay united, to re-define themselves as individuals accepted by the people around them.

How do you perceive a naked body in a different context?

What keeps you distant from it?

Who is judging that body because of that natural nudity?

ph Tea Guarascio